Center to Protect Patient Rights grantees
Before the 2010 midterm elections, a newly formed tax-exempt group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights distributed more than $55 million to 26 conservative advocacy groups. Many of them then launched hard-hitting ads against congressional Democrats up for election.
The groups that got money from the center, which has ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, and the amounts are listed below.

TARGETS Democrats opposed by CPPR grantees included, clockwise from upper left, Bruce Braley, Carol Shea-Porter, Heath Shuler, Michael Bennet, Joseph Sestak and Joe Manchin III.
Group | Funding | 2010 election spending* |
American Future Fund | $12,965,000 | $9,599,806 |
60 Plus Assn. | $11,625,000 | $7,096,125 |
Americans for Limited Government | $5,585,000 | $1,021,378 |
Americans for Job Security | $4,828,000 | $8,991,209 |
Americans for Tax Reform | $4,189,000 | $4,140,044 |
Americans for Prosperity | $4,149,000 | $1,322,060 |
Revere America | $2,300,000 | $2,572,366 |
Coalition to Protect Patients Rights | $2,064,000 | $0 |
Institute for Liberty | $1,952,000 | $0 |
Benjamin Rush League/US Health Freedom Coalition | $1,705,000 | $0 |
Susan B. Anthony List | $1,025,000 | $2,546,837 |
Club for Growth | $699,000 | $8,240,060 |
National Taxpayers Union | $682,500 | $0 |
Americans United for Life Action | $559,000 | $349,615 |
American Energy Alliance | $250,000 | $0 |
Independent Womens Voice | $250,000 | $0 |
Freedom Vote | $200,000 | $0 |
Protect Your Vote | $100,000 | $0 |
Americans United for Life | $55,000 | $0 |
Hispanic Leadership Fund | $47,000 | $100,000 |
Citizens Outreach | $38,000 | $0 |
Tea Party Patriots | $30,000 | $0 |
Common Sense Issue Coalition | $25,000 | $0 |
Nebraska Right to Life | $25,000 | $0 |
Common Sense Issue | $10,000 | $162,530 |
Concerned Women For America | $4,500 | $0 |