
Food hardship by state, 2010

One in five Cali­for­ni­ans said they struggled to af­ford enough food for them­selves and their fam­ily last year, ac­cord­ing to a new re­port by the Food Re­search and Ac­tion Cen­ter.

The rate in Cali­for­nia was slightly high­er than the na­tion­al av­er­age of 18%. Here’s a look at how the states com­pare across the na­tion.

Read More: Re­port finds 20% of Cali­for­ni­ans struggled to feed their fam­il­ies in 2010

March 5, 2011
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Rank State Food hardship rate
2 Alabama 25.2%
29 Alaska 18.6%
15 Arizona 20.8%
6 Arkansas 23.5%
16 California 20.5%
30 Colorado 18.3%
49 Connecticut 14.5%
27 Delaware 18.8%
26 District of Columbia 18.9%
13 Florida 22.0%
10 Georgia 22.7%
35 Hawaii 17.3%
20 Idaho 20.2%
33 Illinois 17.5%
17 Indiana 20.3%
45 Iowa 15.0%
28 Kansas 18.7%
3 Kentucky 24.3%
5 Louisiana 23.9%
25 Maine 19.3%
39 Maryland 16.5%
44 Massachusetts 16.1%
21 Michigan 20.0%
50 Minnesota 13.8%
1 Mississippi 27.9%
22 Missouri 19.9%
37 Montana 16.8%
38 Nebraska 16.6%
17 Nevada 20.3%
41 New Hampshire 16.3%
46 New Jersey 14.9%
14 New Mexico 21.4%
32 New York 17.6%
6 North Carolina 23.5%
51 North Dakota 10.3%
23 Ohio 19.8%
12 Oklahoma 22.2%
17 Oregon 20.3%
43 Pennsylvania 16.2%
23 Rhode Island 19.8%
4 South Carolina 24.2%
41 South Dakota 16.3%
9 Tennessee 22.8%
8 Texas 23.2%
31 Utah 17.9%
36 Vermont 17.0%
34 Virginia 17.4%
39 Washington 16.5%
11 West Virginia 22.3%
46 Wisconsin 14.9%
48 Wyoming 14.7%

Sources: Food Research and Action Center

Credits: Megan Garvey, Ben Welsh


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